Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Letter from a Japanese Stranger

Someone who has never met me; someone who I have never met, wrote me a letter. Apparently, my parents had a small party at their house in late April. Most of their guests were japanese. One man, a japanese TV network employee, whose name I only know half of, went upstairs to my father's office to write the following to me. No one even knew he did this till the next day when my father found it on his desk:

I wrote this piece for my black lady friend who lost her only son to a drive-by shooting:

"Whenever one hears anger or fear from another's voice, whenever one sees anger or fear from another's eyes; does such person crave for an addictive appetite for misery?"
                                                                                                                 '03 Okinawa, Japan

May the flowers of the new year bloom many smiles and laughter for you and your family.

"Jimmy" Goto

I received this August 13, 2012. I have no idea what this means. I want to look for this man. I have so many questions. Why me? Why me, out of all my siblings? What does this mean? Etc....