Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sample Ian

Your hair: Its whimsical and natural smell of mist from the forest pine, molds to any and every form. It feels so silky between my fingers. I love seeing how the breeze can cause it to roll over your forehead and ears like a gushing waterfall. I yearn for the morning to come so I can see the curls: turbulent, twisted, fury from the battle of sleep. A wave of attraction washes over me when I see you in a hat. It's easy, sexy, and fits you so well.

Your eyes: Volcanoes on the oceans of visions and emotions. Confusing at times, knowing that hardship and pain have grazed in the scene, but your eyes are still kind. So kind. Such emotion spawns from your eyes. I see you, I see me. I see me clearly through your eyes. When you look at me, I feel that I exist. And I don't think I will be able to look, gaze, glance, squint, or even stare at anything else more pure. I love when you look at things. How is it that you hypnotize me with the way you look at things? You've got the eye of the tiger. They hold a power and I am still trying to decipher what that actually is. They are amazing, Ian.

Your nose: Sculpted by nature vs nuture, it inhales my scent and exhales relevance. The center of your face, at attention, it's manly yet gracious. It holds a variety of actions; from your pre sneeze flutter, to the sound it makes when you genuinely, laugh, supremely hard. And I like using the tip of my index finger to caress the outline of the profile of your nose. So please let me continue to do that. It soothes me. You soothe me.

Your mouth: The portal – the communicator – the lover – and the keeper of that youthful tongue of yours: I am drawn to your lips. I crave the pressure I feel when touching your mouth with mine. And it is versitile! In the blush of the morning, for a brief moment, its a butterfly that lands hesitantly on my forehead, unaware of the lasting impression it leaves for the rest of my day; it softens my night with its mellowed sound of repose; it shapes the top half of a cartoon heart when consuming nutrients and fighting off a smile. It's the curtain to my favorite thing. The buttons!

Your beard: The sexiest frame on a face. It cradles your cheeks and brings a new shade I have never seen to the facial color spectrum. The most attractive facial clothing I have ever layed my eyes upon. I like how it scrubs my face down and tickles the palms of my hands and sensually pricks my fingertips.

Your voice: Oh, how your voice resonates in my cerebellum. It holds me without touch and it keeps me without chains. Yet I want to be engulfed in your words and lay in the lift of your cadence. Though I can't place your accent in a proper mainstream way, I place it safely in my heart. It's so strong and mischievious at times, but also agile and endearing. Your voice is my favorite sound at the moment. It might be my favorite sound from now on. Sidenote: I melt with the simple hypocrisms you give me.

Your mind: Describing something so fantastical is tricky for me, but I will try my best to elaborate on your soul's mainframe. There isn't a device that can track, tame, conclude, or dilute this mind of yours. It is vast and diverse. You can be a comedian one minute and leap to the trance of a true romantic in the next. It amazes me. I love that it needs new stimuli everyday and has an insatiable craving for knowledge. I am lucky to know that your mind can sift through the bullshit of a monoluoge and light up a room with humbled intelligence. I love your mind. It opens up new realms for me and I get lost in it.

Your heart: I strive to match the rhythm. I want to be that open and that strong. Don't get me wrong, it is very complex and can be fragile at times, too. I don't know much about the molten rock that resides in your chest just yet. But I hope to feel it, to hear it, to relieve it, to massage out all the kinks, and as a reward, to reside within it one day. I hope your heart is my future's promise.