Sunday, December 13, 2009


       I have never kept a promise to myself. No New Years resolutions touched or conquered, no birthday wishes fulfilled or have come true. Well, both New Years and my birthday are coming up quickly and I will make sure there will never be a similar past remembered from this day forward.
       I feel that I can respect myself enough to call myself an adult, and in doing so, I have many responsibilities to dominate and trials to overcome. This is a fair trade for the life I want.
       Growing up I always worried about what others were doing or what they might think of me and I never focused on what was inside. Recent revelations relieved me of this habit and now I look to myself to find out what I have in store for my own life.
       I am making the leap. I want to live my life the way I want it. I am asking a lot from myself, but my reward is phenomenal. So, here it goes, the things I want in the next ten years (in no particular order):

See RADWIMPS live.
I want to speak and understand Japanese.
I want to move to Japan for two years.
I want one starry night with my unrequited love.
Graduate from UC Riverside.
I want a male Boston Terrier and name him Mugen.
See Dave Matthews live.
Enter a poetry contest.
Save a life.
Find and enjoy my career job.
Dance on top of a skyscraper.
Take my mother on a trip.
Get in shape/fit.
Host a party by myself.
Visit Philadelphia and New York City.
Wield a sword.
Hang glide over a vast spring meadow.
Play hide and seek.
Have one full blown magical karaoke night.
See inside of a volcano.
Write a short story and have it published.
Cliff dive into the Pacific Ocean.
Give a speech to a medium sized crowd.
Formally apologize to my father.
Spend one night in a forest.
Successfully radiate womanhood.
Have a happy conversation with a complete stranger.
Extinguish my social anxiety.
Calm my warring heart.
Got to Akihabara (biggest Anime/Manga convention in the world!)

I wish myself luck.

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