The American Dollar - Anything You Synthesize (Produced By Onesize)
It's been a while since I have wanted to become a cloud.
With this song and my financial and living situation looking dim for September, it is hard not
to revert back to my thoughts of becoming a cloud. I would be able to live anywhere and
everywhere for free. I would be able to gain knowledge through observation and I could morph
into a white puffy cotton ball (fair level cumulus) and graze across the sky, while leaving shade
to those below me. Or maybe I would change into a altostratus development to inspire the
artists on land. Every once and a while I would shift my attention away from me and give rain
to the Earth, as a Nimbostratus cloud and I would touch the tops of sky scrapers and skim the
valleys. One other cloud I would dabble with would be cirrus. The most playful and closest to
the Sun, I would enjoy the serenity. And the rest is miscellaneous.
But of course this would be impossible, so I will continue with my fight to survive as a student.
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