Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My 5-7-5: Summer 09

August rushing in:
The rise and fall of summer;
Don't forget to write.

Wavering life form-
Gazing at Father's kingdom;
deepest wake up call.

Burn the book you read.
Wake up from this fairy tale;
there's no prince for you.

The picture on the wall;
the back, never to have seen light.
That is why I'm here.

Vanilla with salt:
Slightly off from what I seek;
the way I like it.

Monarch butterfly!
Gentle as you come and go;
but why go so far?

Move on? No, move not.
Even though you're not a cloud;
take things in lightly.

Lighthouse I'm perplexed!
Shine light on others for nought;
man made, yet man can't.

My eyes set on red...
A warm and innocent night;
will age mean nothing?

Yellow butterflies.
Gentle as a vineyard breeze;
they are inside me.

Welcome home August!
Please accompany me to
my yellow brick road.

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