I must have walked a half mile down the coast before spotting a small wading pool. As I got closer to the pool I found a strange yellow creature resting on a rock six inches below the surface.
It was a starfish! But unfortunately one of it's limbs was missing. Once the realization set in, my body began to fill with liquid sadness and humiliation. It burst out of my eyes and ran down my cheeks like a wild river flood. Oh poor starfish with a part of himself missing! Luckily he was already piecing himself back together, easing the misfortune just a little.
Seeing the starfish incomplete swarmed my body and wrapped it up with shame. Constructing such blue funk feelings a few hours prior gave a bitter taste in my mouth. Nothing about my life should've inspired a heavy heart that played tunes of hopelessness.
Once I woke up from my awkward moment inside myself, I decided to step into the water. The cool water felt wonderful on my skin. Knee deep and looking for a place to sit, I crafted a seat with a piece of old wood and two rocks. Now comfortable and stable I focused on him, and only him.
There was a strange and undeniable feeling to speak to the creature aloud. As if it were to give acknowledgment to the starfish as my equal or something. I really can't explain the exact feelings felt at the time but I went with it and began talking to the sea star.
I told him that even though I did not know him I thought he was amazing and that the life he lived must be fueled by courage and patience - a remarkable scene. Asking questions like what was life for him on a daily bases, how many tears were his that contributed to the ocean we sat in, how can he be so calm while life passes him by so quickly with dark waters and salty hardships, and is he ever scared when thinking about how big his world is. All while having a lump in my throat.
I wished to have known what happened to him and his limb. If only a starfish could talk...
I listened to the waves for a while as I composed myself and rested under the giant ball of fire in the sky. He moved closer to the surface since I last had my eyes on him, making me feel like he was interested in more of what I was saying; sparking another drawn out, one-sided conversation.

I slid into the water next to him and spoke softly about how embarrassed I felt about being sad and lonely. It was selfish and conceited of me to feel such things. Creating problems in my own world for reasons unknown to my fragile mind. I told him about all the precious opportunities given to me that I shattered with my own hands. Distancing myself from my makers and building walls around me ten years thick.
I managed to grow the courage to touch my new friend, balancing gentle strength and curious attitude.
Lastly, saying how thankful I was to meet such a being. Honored for feeling such pain for something that had no ties to me. Bringing myself down to a secure level and admitting my wrongs to be lifted back up to mature ground. With a healthy sigh and stretch out of the brackish pond, I said my grateful goodbye and wished my friend good luck and to stay strong for the both of us. I told him that I would hold up my end of the promise as well. Leaving with a playful giggle and peace of mind - starfish revelation!
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