Thursday, August 07, 2014

Mulling Over

My only Burger King memory:

It's been so long - maybe 16 or 17 years, so I won't be able to give you complete details, but because someone asked the question, I will do my best.

He wanted to introduce me to something new. He said it was called a suicide.

He seemed methodical at the time, as he pressed the levers of seven drink dispensers, but thinking about it now - I know he was pressing them at random. Every liquid had its spot in the medium sized cup.

His eyes gleamed as the fizz popped above the browned orange color he had just made.

We walked outside and sat at an empty booth. I was sitting japanese style and he was on his knees. He laughed and told me to try it.

"Poison," I shouted. "That's gross."

He told me to close my eyes and think of something funny. I could hear him drinking the vile concoction and shifting around. I just sat there with my eyes shut and my mouth slightly open. Next thing I know, something very soft, warm, and very wet, hit my lips.

I screamed and pushed him away. I covered my mouth. I imagine he thought I did that to show disgust, but in reality, I did it to hide my excited smile. It tasted sweet and very tangy.

Owen looked at me and threw a peace sign. His face was red and I was happy. 
But... I would never have it again...

First kiss.

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